App Review for Todoist

by - 13:07

So I am back to reviewing apps on my blogger, I will be reviewing either multiple apps or just one app. Let’s get right into this blog post then. From experience I tend to find it hard to organise my day when I do not write to do lists. I used to use the Stickies app on my Mac but I found it to be rubbish and obviously cannot use it anywhere else except from my Mac. I actually found it to be less of a motivator and tended to not get much done during the day. That was until I found a really good app on the Mac App Store, which is called Todoist. I love this app now and the fact I can use it not only on my Mac but also on my iPhone and my iPad makes my life so much easier.

With Todoist, you can categorise each item you want to add to your to do list. So maybe you remembered you need to pick up some dry cleaning then you can add that to your personal to do list. Everyday you can see exactly what you need to do and it also mentions what category it comes under. I have actually found myself completing all the tasks on the to do list and feeling so much better about it. You can get emails about how productive you have been during the week and also it gives you a quick run down of what you planned for the day. A lot of people who might be interested in using this app, you may ask the question of but what about appointments that come via my email. You can download an extension for your web browser (excluding Safari) where you can add appointments easily with a simple few clicks. Because no one wants to copy and paste the details and potentially get it wrong. You might be really interested in the app but you own multiple devices that aren’t the same, say you have an android phone but have an iPad and aren’t sure that it will sync easily. With this app you don’t have to worry about that because, in order to sign up for Todoist, either use your Google+ account or sign up for an account via Todoist. I decided to use my Google+ account as I already have a Google+ account. Here’s a little extra for you, why not share your to do lists with your friends so they remember group events or maybe just for university so you know that you are on top of all your assignments.

So now I have told you about how great it is you guys want to know where you can get it. Well this app is available on nearly every device. App Store, Android Store, Mac App Store, Google Chrome, Firefox, Gmail, Windows, Thunderbird, Web and Outlook. The fact it is available on some many devices really does make a whole lot of difference. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post; I have added some screenshots just make life easier for you. Also I will link you to their website here. I will see you guys on the next blog post.

Love Akika


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