Podcasts Recommendations

by - 18:27

So this blog post is kind of different, but lately whilst I do my work I love listening to Podcasts. I have come across a few over the last month and thought I would tell you guys about them. Since finding them can be rather tricky and a blog recommendation can be useful.

Lets start off with the first podcast I came across which was the PewDiePie (Felix) and Cinnamontoastken (Ken) podcast called BroKen podcast. I really enjoy this podcast and they cover all manors of topics. They tend to have a list of topics to chat about it varies from YouTube to gaming If you like gaming then these guys are the types of people whom I reckon you would like to talk about. They tend to mention things that you would never hear about in a YouTube video. I really enjoy it when they get guests in on the show; previous guests have been Markiplier, Cry, Inthelittlewood, Jacksepticeye and Sam stippin. It is supposed to be weekly but can be rather staggered and each podcast lasts around 1 hour.  You can listen to it here.

Turbopals podcast consists of four people and it includes TomSka (Tom), ScarfDemon (Chloe) ElliotExplicit (Elliot) Eddache (Eddy). This podcast tends to be a whole mixture each week; they have talked about YouTube and anything culturally relevant. They are all on YouTube and friends and it is interesting to hear a podcast with more than 2 co-hosts. You will definitely find yourself laughing at a few points so it is perfect for a Monday morning wake up. They don’t tend to have guests as they already have four people talking. They try to upload weekly but it is rather staggered and each podcast is also 1 hour. You can listen to it here.

Not too deep is by Grace Helbig and features new guests each episode. If you like peculiar chat and something that may make you laugh a lot then this podcast is perfect for you. She brings in YouTube people and always has a challenge for each of her guests. You can watch challenges from the podcast on her YouTube Channel here. You can expect top comedy on this podcast, no heartfelt moments just a full on hour of laughing and awkwardness. This series is weekly and you can rely on them to be weekly as these are all pre recorded. You can listen to it here.

Let me know if you have come across any podcasts yourself, I always love a recommendation. I love a good spontaneous topic blog post so see more of those in the future.

Love Akika xxxx

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