
by - 17:59

It's been some time since I wrote anything on here and I kinda like that gap and writing when it suits me best. So this ties in so nicely with what I want to talk about Vlogmas. I decided to give it a go this year, and 3 days in I don't really like it. It feels like a chore and I don't want to force myself to make videos. In the back of my mind this weekend, all I could think of was how the hell do I work my full-time job and do vlogmas. I simply can't I am not a super human. So I will upload sporadically over the vlogmas period.

I like making videos but I make them when I like it and I need to think about that whilst attempting Vlogmas. My full-time job requires my attention 9-5 so I can't spend my time ignoring important deadlines and such. So do bear with me and I mean there are plenty of other Vlogmas series going out on YouTube everyday, so you won't miss out on much.

Well that concludes this short blog post on Vlogmas, kinda wanted to keep everyone updated on what happens. And see you guys very soon.

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