Note Taking Tips
So it has been a few months since my last post and kind of caring on from the theme of the last post I want to talk about note taking. So as you might know every Monday I do some reading for work, on all things social and app related. I, of course, take notes on key facts or thoughts I have from reading the article. I wanted to share some Note Taking Tips with you.
I suggest getting a ruled notebook firstly if you are going to make notes, I tried using a blank page and my notes got messy and really hard to read. Since my notes are all about social media, each channel has a different colour, so for ease of use and when I want to reflect on some notes it is easier for me to find them. So light blue is for Twitter, dark blue is or Facebook, Brown is for Instagram (yes I know it's a purple logo now) and black for general info. Also to help me find facts and figures, I go over them in purple which I find does actually help some more when flicking through pages of notes. I like this system and it has worked for me best so far. Maybe come up with your own key system that helps you find notes easily. You might not be making notes about social media, so why not assign your own colours to certain topics.
I take notes in pen, not sure if that helps, although to me notes can be messy and a little scribbly. I know that when you want to make notes your brain is processing a lot, so a bit of mess isn't bad. I like filling up the back of my notebook up with notes, it's good to assign dividers to your notebook. I write down other things in my notebook, although lately, I feel having one notebook just for social notes might be better. I write about 2 pages worth every Monday, so I run out of space quite fast.
At the end of the day, it's your notebook so organise how you wish. I just wanted to offer some advice on note taking.