
by - 17:21


So I guess it has been months since I last posted on my blogger, and I have a reason as to why this is the case. I never really gained any followers over the years since I started blogging. I always found my feet with YouTube more so then with my blogger.

I have recently been accepted into The Blogger Programme, and I have a cheeky widget now on my blogger. So I understand this may look odd sitting on my blogger, but to be honest I can't find a way to put it on my YouTube channel so for now it stays on here. 

I would love to blog again but really I feel like my blogger is never going to be as successful as my YouTube channel can be. So I hope you enjoy my old content and if you want to follow me on social media then my links are all below and of course in the top navigation bar.

I have no idea if anyone will ever read this but if you do then thanks anyways.


Thanks and Goodbye.

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